Dasar Warlock Deck Daftar Isi Dek Warlock ini: dimaksudkan untuk pemain yang baru mengenal Hearthstone, dan siapa yang belum menginvestasikan banyak (atau apapun) uang riil ke dalam permainan hanya terdiri dari kartu yang diberikan secara gratis sebagai hadiah Untuk menyelesaikan tutorial dan meratakan sebuah Warlock ke level 10 tidak termasuk kartu Common, Rare, Epic, atau Legendary. Meski ada kelemahan yang jelas karena keterbatasan Basic-only, dek ini seimbang, dan cukup kuat. Ini memungkinkan Anda mengalahkan AI (dalam mode Normal dan Expert), dan dapat menahan lawannya melawan pemain menggunakan kartu Langka, Epik, dan bahkan Legendaris dalam mode Putar. Selain daftar dek, kami juga akan menjelaskan mengapa beberapa kartu telah disertakan atau dikecualikan, bagaimana beberapa antek di dek paling bagus dimainkan, dan perubahan apa yang dapat Anda buat di dek. Perhatikan bahwa untuk berhasil dengan dek ini (seperti halnya semua deck), Anda perlu membuat keputusan yang benar saat bermain. Untuk alasan ini, kami menyarankan Anda untuk juga membaca kedua artikel ini: Keuntungan Kartu dan Mengapa Saya Kehilangan. 1. Tentang Penulis Dek ini dipresentasikan kepada Anda oleh Sottle. Pemain Hearthstone profesional yang bermain untuk game compLexity. Sottle secara teratur mengalirkan Twitch dan menjelaskan semua gerakannya. Menontonnya adalah kesempatan bagus untuk melihat bagaimana ini dan deck lainnya dimainkan dalam praktik, dan bagaimana keputusan dibuat secara real time. 2. Dasar Warlock Deck 3. Strategi Kelas Warlock menderita beberapa kartu kelas Basic yang paling lemah dalam permainan. Meskipun demikian, masih merupakan pilihan yang masuk akal untuk dek Dasar karena satu hal Life Tap Hero Power. Keuntungan kartu sangat penting di Hearthstone dan Warlock Hero Power memungkinkan Anda mempertahankan ukuran tangan yang sehat setiap saat. Strategi umum dek ini adalah untuk mendapatkan keuntungan di tikungan awal melalui perdagangan minion yang efisien, dan kemudian mengkonsolidasikan keuntungan ini dengan memainkan Warpaper Frostwolf besar atau menggigit seluruh papan Anda dengan Stormwind Champion. Karena ini, penting untuk mencari situasi di mana Anda dapat menyingkirkan lawan-lawan Anda sementara menjaga hidup Anda sendiri. Misalnya, memukul Bloodfen Raptor dengan Inventor Gnomish Anda akan membuat Gnomish Anda tetap hidup pada satu kesehatan, sehingga memungkinkan makhluk itu berdagang untuk pelayan lebih lanjut dan meningkatkan potensi kartu Anda nanti. 3.1. Pilihan Kartu Pada bagian ini kita akan membahas beberapa kartu yang telah dipilih, bagaimana menggunakannya secara efektif, dan mengapa mereka dipilih karena kemungkinan lainnya. Mudah-mudahan ini akan membantu Anda untuk berhasil dengan dek ini, serta menginformasikan keputusan membangun dek Anda sendiri di masa depan. Soulfire adalah salah satu dari sedikit kartu Warlock yang ada sejak awal. Pada 1 Mana sering bisa membuat ayunan tempo yang besar dengan cara mengeluarkan makhluk lawan menghabiskan 3 atau 4 Mana untuk bermain dan meninggalkan Anda dengan sebagian besar dari Mana Anda sendiri untuk menindaklanjuti giliran yang sama. Cobalah untuk membuat ini hal terakhir yang Anda mainkan di belokan Anda, jika tidak, Anda berisiko membuang kartu lain yang ingin Anda gunakan. Murloc Tidehunter dan Razorfen Hunter ditampilkan di dek ini untuk kemampuan minion 2 in 1 mereka. Ini bersinergi dengan Monster Frostwolf dan Stormwind Champion. Meskipun Anda harus memainkan kartu ini pada giliran 2 atau 3 jika itu adalah satu-satunya pilihan Anda, sebaiknya pertimbangkan untuk menyimpannya untuk Turn 7 atau 8, saat Anda dapat memainkannya bersamaan dengan Warpord Frostwolf Anda untuk menciptakan penggemar langsung. River Crocolisk disukai di dek ini atas Bloodfen Raptor karena titik ekstra kesehatan. Biasanya 32 lebih diutamakan pada giliran 2 karena mampu melakukan perdagangan hingga setinggi 3 tetes yang bisa dimainkan lawan Anda. Namun, dengan masuknya Shattered Sun Cleric dan Mortal Coil di dek Anda memiliki cara untuk melakukan 1 kerusakan tambahan dengan sangat baik. Hellfire adalah kartu penting dalam permainan di mana Anda tertinggal, karena berfungsi sebagai mekanisme reset untuk membersihkan papan dan membiarkan pertarungan kendali dimulai dari nol lagi. Tak perlu dikatakan lagi, tapi hindari menggunakan kartu ini saat Anda sudah memiliki kehadiran papan yang kuat sendiri. Dread Infernal adalah kartu Warlock kuat lainnya. Battlecry kerusakan 1 bisa sangat berguna untuk menciptakan beberapa perdagangan yang menguntungkan. Namun, Anda memiliki beberapa 1 makhluk kesehatan milik Anda di geladak, jadi cobalah untuk menukarkannya ke pelayan lawan Anda terlebih dahulu sebelum menjatuhkan Infernal. Frostwolf Warlord dan Stormwind Champion adalah finishers Anda. Mendapatkan salah satu makhluk ini di papan yang sudah memiliki 2 atau lebih antek lainnya akan menimbulkan masalah besar bagi lawan Anda. Cobalah untuk menghindari bermain mereka dalam situasi di mana hal ini tidak terjadi, meskipun jika ditekan, bermain Warpold Frostwolf sebagai 55 baik-baik saja. 3.2. Kelalaian Kartu Disini kita akan membicarakan beberapa kartu yang tidak disertakan untuk membantu Anda memahami dan mengidentifikasi kartu yang lebih lemah, mudah-mudahan meningkatkan keterampilan membangun dek Anda. Voidwalker adalah kartu yang bagus, tapi tidak cocok untuk dek ini. Tanpa akses ke kartu buff Expert Set seperti Sersan Sengsara dan Dire Wolf Alpha. Voidwalker sama sekali tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk menjadi ancaman yang relevan di papan tulis. Bayangkan situasi di mana Anda bermain Voidwalker pada giliran 1 dan lawan Anda menjawab dengan angka 32 pada giliran mereka 2. Voidwalker Anda meninggal secara gratis sementara lawan-lawannya bertahan, memberi keuntungan kartu dan papan lawan yang mudah. Korupsi adalah kartu yang di permukaan tampak kuat, 1 Mana untuk membunuh antek apapun nampaknya sangat banyak. Namun masalah yang sangat besar adalah efek tertunda, yang berarti bahwa lawan Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk menukar minion Corrupted ke salah satu makhluk Anda, yang pada dasarnya membuat Anda membuang kartu untuk tidak menghasilkan apa-apa. Seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, keuntungan kartu sangat penting, jadi Anda ingin menghindari situasi 2-untuk-1 di mana lawan Anda mengambil 2 kartu dengan kartu itu sebelum mati. Succubus adalah kartu lain yang bisa menipu. Tampaknya 4 serangan di tikungan 2 adalah permainan yang sangat kuat. Namun, dengan hanya 3 kesehatan, Succubus hanya akan berdagang dengan 32, jenis 2-drop yang paling umum dalam permainan. Ini berarti Anda telah membuang kartu tanpa keuntungan. 3.3. Kartu Swap Jelas, sebagai dek Dasar, daftar ini memiliki banyak ruang untuk perbaikan. Seiring kemajuan Anda dengan permainan dan mendapatkan akses ke lebih banyak kartu dan Debu Arcane, inilah beberapa tambahan yang mungkin Anda pertimbangkan. Jika Anda memiliki akses ke set Naxxramas dan memainkan format Wild, penambahan berikut sangat bagus: 2x Haunted Creeper untuk 2x Murloc Tidehunter. The Haunted Creeper jauh lebih sulit untuk dihapus daripada Tidehunter dan merupakan upgrade di hampir setiap situasi. 2x Sludge Belcher untuk 2x Senjin Shieldmasta. Karena dek ini memiliki banyak 4-tetes. Upgrade Senjins ke Belchers dan mengisi slot 5 Mana yang miskin adalah ide bagus. 1x Zombie Chow untuk 1x Razorfen Hunter. Menambahkan Zombie Chow membantu mempertahankan keunggulan board di game awal, saat mengeluarkan Razorfen Hunter membantu menghindari kemungkinan masalah dengan Dread Infernal yang membunuh ministri kesehatan Anda sendiri. Jika Anda memiliki akses ke set Blackrock Mountain, kami merekomendasikan penambahan berikut: 2 x Imp Gang Boss dapat ditambahkan di tempat 2 x Razorfen Hunter. Upgrade di sini harus jelas untuk dilihat, Imp Gang Boss menawarkan poin tambahan mengenai kesehatan di tubuh utama Razorfen Hunter, dan hampir selalu dijamin untuk menelurkan setidaknya 1 tambahan 11 minion. 2 x Drakonid Crusher dapat dimasukkan ke dalam 2 x Boulderfist Ogre. Karena fokus dek ini cukup agresif, namun kekurangan finishers tanpa kartu seperti Doomguard dari Expert set, Drakonid Crusher sering dapat berfungsi sebagai finisher yang Anda butuhkan. The League of Explorers set menawarkan kartu berikut untuk dek Anda yang sangat bagus: 2 x Dark Peddler untuk 2 x Murloc Tidehunter. Dark Peddler adalah salah satu kartu terkuat dalam ekspansi LoE dan memungkinkan Anda mengisi kurva permainan awal dengan sangat konsisten hampir seluruhnya dengan sendirinya. Tambahan umum lainnya dari Expert Set tercantum di bawah ini. Namun perlu dicatat bahwa kartu ini harus ditambahkan hanya jika Anda membukanya dari satu pak. Menghabiskan debu untuk memperbaiki dek Dasar saja tidak terlalu efisien, dan Anda malah harus mencoba untuk menghemat debu ke salah satu dek rendah atau pertengahan anggaran kami. 2x Amani Berserker untuk 2x River Crocolisk. Perbaikan yang sangat baik, Amani adalah upgrade dari Crocolisk dengan segala cara untuk sebuah Warlock. 2x Panen Golem untuk 2x Razorfen Hunter. Panen Golem adalah raja efisiensi di Turn 3, sering menciptakan situasi 2-untuk-1 yang menguntungkan Anda. 1x Silver Hand Knight untuk 1x Gnomish Inventor. Seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, geladak itu berat pada tetesan 4-tetes. Mengganti satu dengan 5-drop akan menciptakan kurva yang lebih halus, sementara Silver Hand Knight bermain dengan baik ke dalam strategi kehadiran papan. Melepaskan kancing kartu Gnomish bisa merugikan, tapi Anda selalu bisa mengisi ulang tangan Anda dengan Life Tap bila perlu. 4. ChangeLog 18 Jun 2016: Diedit untuk kejelasan tentang kartu swap untuk Standard and Wild. 29 Juni 2015: Opsi yang ditambahkan untuk kartu Blackrock Mountain untuk ditambahkan ke dek. Arena Guide 1. Pendahuluan Panduan ini akan membawa Anda, selangkah demi selangkah, melalui seluruh proses bermain Arena. Dengan asumsi bahwa Anda telah menguasai dasar-dasar Hearthstone, dan berlatih di Arena, panduan ini akan memberi Anda semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan untuk mendapatkan 12 kemenangan. 2. Tentang Penulis Panduan ini disampaikan kepada Anda oleh Sottle. Pemain Hearthstone profesional yang bermain untuk game compLexity. Sottle secara teratur mengalirkan Arenas on Twitch dan menjelaskan semua gerakannya. Dia memiliki rekor menang lebih dari 73, membuatnya menjadi salah satu pemain Arena teratas. 3. Memilih Pahlawan Setiap kelas memiliki kekuatan dan kelemahan khusus di Arena. Untuk sebagian besar, ciri-ciri ini berasal dari kelas Hero Power, dan kartu khusus kelas mereka, terutama yang jarang umum. Namun, perbedaan antara kelas jauh lebih sedikit daripada yang ada dalam Contructed, karena kebanyakan deck akan berisi standar kartu netral berkualitas tinggi jika dirancang dengan baik. Meski memiliki kesamaan, ada kelas di Arena yang dianggap lebih kuat dari yang lain. Namun, perbedaan antara tingkatan Kelas sangat kecil, bahkan kelas tier terbawah mampu menghasilkan 12 kemenangan secara teratur dengan drafting cerdas dan permainan tingkat tinggi. Anda mungkin menemukan bahwa tingkat keberhasilan pribadi Anda berbeda dari apa yang kami sarankan, karena gaya bermain dan kekuatan atau kelemahan Anda sendiri sebagai pemain. Dengan semua itu, kami akan memberi Anda daftar kelas Arena, dan rincian masing-masing kelas memiliki kekuatan dan kelemahan, namun perlu diingat bahwa ini hanyalah panduan, dan bahkan di antara pemain Arena terbaik, pendapat Berbeda secara luas pada kekuatan relatif masing-masing kelas. Tier 1 (Excellent): Warlock Tier 2 (Hebat): Paladin, Mage Tier 3 (Bagus): Rogue, Priest, Shaman, Warrior, Hunter Tier 4 (Rata-rata): Druid Mage memiliki efek serbaguna dari 1 efek damage Hero Powers Di Arena, karena tidak terpengaruh oleh Taunt dan tidak menyebabkan Anda merusak sendiri saat menargetkan pelayan. Mage adalah kelas lain yang paling serbaguna di Arena, dengan kartu seperti Mana Wyrm. Penyihir Magang dan Frostbolt yang memungkinkan Anda membuat draft Tempo yang sangat agresif, sementara kartu seperti Fireball. Polimorf dan Flamestrike dapat memungkinkan Anda untuk memenangkan permainan berbasis kontrol yang lebih lambat. Salah satu kekuatan terbesar Mages adalah bahwa banyak kartu terkuatnya adalah Common, atau Basic rarity, yang berarti bahwa Mage sangat konsisten untuk merancang keseluruhannya. Konsistensi ini menyebabkan Mage dianggap sebagai kelas terkuat secara keseluruhan oleh banyak pemain. Perlu dicatat juga, bahwa kartu kunci seperti Fireball. Frostbolt Dan Flamestrike cenderung tidak dirancang secara keseluruhan karena meningkatnya jumlah kartu dalam game. Anda harus menghargai penghapusan drafting dengan sangat tinggi saat membuat dek Mage, bahkan kartu suboptimal seperti Flame Lance. Karena Anda tidak bisa selalu menjamin Anda akan disajikan dengan kartu penghapusan yang sempurna. Lihat Spreadsheet Peringkat Kartu Mage Arena kami untuk melihat nilai yang kami berikan pada semua kartu yang mungkin Anda tawarkan sebagai Mage. 3.2. Paladin Sejak dirilisnya Goblins vs Gnomes, Paladins memiliki dorongan besar dalam kekuasaan di Arena, mengubah apa yang merupakan salah satu kelas terkuat yang bisa dibilang hanya yang terkuat. Bagian dari kekuatan mereka adalah keluwesan pilihan kartu mereka untuk pilihan penyusunan. Mereka memiliki potensi untuk merancang deck yang sangat cepat dan agresif, dengan menggunakan kartu seperti Shielded Minibot dan Argent Protector untuk mempertahankan pelayan di papan tulis dan memaksa tempo permainan ke lawan Anda. Terlindung Minibot khususnya adalah penggemar besar Paladin, dan Minibot yang dimainkan pada giliran 2 akan sangat sulit dipertandingkan lawan Anda. Sebagai alternatif, Anda juga dapat membuat draft Paladin yang sangat efektif pada jam permainan yang menggunakan kartu Kontrol yang hebat seperti Juara dan Konser Truesilver untuk mendorong permainan lama, membiarkan Anda mendapatkan keuntungan tambahan dengan 11 token yang dapat Anda hasilkan setiap giliran. Mengetahui mana dari gaya yang Anda dek bersandar ke arah sekali mulai mengambil bentuk dan kartu pilih tepat adalah kunci sukses dengan kelas. Grand Tournament semakin meningkatkan dominasi Paladins dengan dua kartu kunci yang bertanggung jawab atas dorongan ini. Pertama Murloc Knight. Yang dipikirkan oleh sebagian besar pada awalnya adalah kartu yang cukup sederhana adalah pembangkit tenaga listrik yang absolut, menciptakan dewan papan canggung yang sulit dibersihkan lawan Anda dan memungkinkan Anda membanjiri papan dengan cepat dan efektif. Kedua, Seal of Champions adalah kartu buff nilai luar biasa untuk 3 Mana dan mewakili satu ton Tempo dengan mengizinkan Anda untuk melepaskan lawan yang berlawanan sambil meningkatkan kekuatan dewan Anda alih-alih hanya dengan menggunakan mantra pemecatan. Fakta bahwa kedua kartu ini adalah Commons berarti Anda dapat merancangnya secara konsisten. Mungkin satu-satunya kelemahan Paladin adalah banyaknya kartu terkuat mereka, seperti Aldor Peacekeeper. Muster untuk Pertempuran. Dan Pedang Keadilan adalah Rares dan Epics, yang berarti bahwa mereka tidak akan sering ditawarkan kepada Anda, mengurangi keseluruhan konsistensi kelas. Perlu juga disebutkan bahwa jika Anda cukup beruntung bisa ditawarkan Tirion Fordring. Anda harus segera menerimanya karena Tirion secara luas dianggap sebagai satu-satunya kartu terkuat di semua Arena. Lihat Spreadsheet Peringkat Kartu Paladin Arena kami untuk melihat nilai yang kami berikan pada semua kartu yang mungkin Anda tawarkan sebagai Paladin. 3.3. Rogue Sebagai Rogue, Anda akan sering bersandar pada gaya bermain yang agresif daripada kendali. Hal ini disebabkan oleh sejumlah besar kartu yang memungkinkan Anda mempertahankan momentum yang baik sepanjang permainan (kartu tempo), dan juga Hero Power Anda. Kekuatan Hero Rogue benar-benar dominan dalam beberapa pertandingan, terutama Paladin, karena investasi 2 Mana Anda sesuai dengan 4 koleksi Paladin milik Manas. Penyamun seringkali akan menurunkan Kesehatan mereka sendiri dalam proses membersihkan antek-antek dengan belati mereka, dan karena itu, kartu penyembuhan harus dirancang lebih tinggi. Bahkan di dalam geladak tanpa penyembuhan pun, Anda tetap harus bersikap agresif dengan kehidupan Anda sendiri sebagai sumber, karena belati Anda selalu menjadi kunci kemenangan. Kartu seperti Racun Mematikan akan selalu memberi Anda keuntungan kartu, sementara sebagian besar kartu Combo dan Backstab akan berkontribusi pada tempo dan menempatkan lawan Anda di bawah banyak tekanan. Kejatuhan kelas adalah sifatnya yang agak satu dimensi. Seperti Rogue deck biasanya akan kalah dalam game akhir jika mereka belum bisa mendapatkan keuntungan yang luar biasa lebih awal. Lihat Spreadsheet Peringkat Seri Kartu Rogue Arena kami untuk melihat nilai yang kami berikan pada semua kartu yang mungkin Anda tawarkan sebagai Rogue. 3.4. Druid Kekuatan Hero Druid layak dilakukan, karena Anda dapat menggunakannya secara defensif dan perlahan menumpuk baju besi, atau secara agresif dan memperdagangkan kesehatan Anda untuk keuntungan kartu potensial. Kartu seperti Gesek. Starfire. Druid dari Claw. Atau Ironbark Protector akan selalu memiliki dampak yang cukup besar di papan pada pertengahan tahap akhir permainan, sementara kartu seperti Wrath and Claw menawarkan solusi hebat Druid untuk game awal. Grand Tournament menawarkan sejumlah perbaikan substansial pada kelas. Darnassus Aspirant mengisi peran yang dikembangkan oleh Wild Growth di banyak deck Build Druid. Pertumbuhan Liar seringkali terlalu lamban di Arena karena Anda akan ketinggalan jauh di belakang Tempo dan tidak akan masuk ke dalam makanan yang cukup konsisten untuk membenarkan belokan yang tidak terjawab. Darnassus Aspirant adalah permainan yang jauh lebih cepat dan memungkinkan Anda memperjuangkan papan sementara mempercepat Mana Anda. Savage Combatant adalah tambahan fantastis lainnya yang dapat dengan mudah mendominasi papan pada gilirannya 4 atau memutar 6 jika lawan Anda tidak memiliki jawaban untuk itu. Kelemahan kelas adalah sifatnya yang satu dimensi. Hampir setiap dek Druid bergantung pada outclassing lawan di akhir pertandingan dengan kartu bernilai tinggi dan sulit untuk menyingkirkan ejekan. Sangat sulit untuk merancang dek Druid secara agresif, karena sangat sedikit kartu kelas mereka yang bermain dalam strategi ini. Lihat Spreadsheet Peringkat Kartu Druid Arena untuk melihat nilai yang kami berikan pada semua kartu yang mungkin Anda tawarkan sebagai Druid. 3.5. Dukun Daman Hero Power sayangnya acak, yang sering membuatnya menjadi taruhan, dan totem sebagian besar merupakan penundaan sederhana untuk lawan daripada ancaman serius. Untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari Hero Power Anda, Anda memerlukan kontrol dewan, yang terkadang sulit dicapai. Dukun memiliki beberapa kartu yang sangat kuat seperti Fire Elemental dan Hex. Sedangkan mayoritas kartu Overload seperti Stormforged Axe. Forked Lightning. Dan Lightning Bolt memerlukan perencanaan yang hati-hati agar bisa menghasilkan keuntungan dan tidak menunda sendiri. Dukun bisa sangat kuat, tapi sebagian besar kekuatan mereka terletak pada kartu Langka mereka seperti Lightning Storm dan Feral Spirit. Yang bukan sesuatu yang bisa Anda andalkan pada penyusunan secara konsisten di Arena. Grand Tournament memperkenalkan banyak pilihan kuat baru untuk Dukun. Totem Golem dan Tuskarr Totemic keduanya sangat baik Commons baru yang dapat menghasilkan banyak kehadiran papan awal. Thunder Bluff Valiant juga merupakan langka baru yang fantastis yang dapat berfungsi sebagai Bloodlust yang lebih proaktif yang dapat berfungsi sebagai permainan kurva jika Anda memerlukannya, dan kemungkinannya tidak terlalu kecil untuk duduk di tangan Anda seperti Bloodlust. Kunci untuk merancang Shaman dengan sukses adalah menilai kartu-kartu buff dengan sangat baik. Kartu seperti Dire Wolf Alpha dan Defender of Argus antara lain dapat mengubah Totems Anda yang sering tidak berguna menjadi kekuatan menyerang, dan menciptakan keuntungan kartu untuk Anda selama permainan berlangsung. Kartu yang menyedot seluruh papan Anda seperti Stormwind Champion sangat kuat. Lihat Spreadsheet Peringkat Kartu Shaman Arena untuk melihat nilai yang kami berikan pada semua kartu yang mungkin Anda tawarkan sebagai dukun. 3.6. Warlock Warlock telah diperdebatkan Power Hero terkuat keluar dari semua kelas dalam permainan. Memiliki akses ke kartu menarik kapan pun Anda inginkan adalah sifat yang sangat bermanfaat, karena kartu adalah alat dasar yang digunakan untuk memenangkan permainan. Kemampuan ini memungkinkan Anda menyusun kurva yang sangat agresif dan rendah dan mengalahkan lawan Anda dalam hal Tempo. Secara historis, ini jelas cara terkuat untuk merancang gelembung Warlock, dan tetap kuat. Namun, karena penambahan kartu Voidcaller ke game, Warlock sekarang juga mampu merancang deck Control yang berhasil, dengan banyak nilai tinggi, Demons seperti Dread Infernal dan Floating Watcher digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai luar biasa dari Deathfix Anda Voidcallers. Bahkan tanpa akses ke Voidcaller dalam draf Anda, Anda masih dapat memainkan gaya yang lebih mengendalikan karena peningkatan kualitas kartu mid dan late-game yang telah diperkenalkan dalam ekspansi Hearthstone. Sejak Warlocks mengandalkan penurunan Total Hidup mereka sendiri untuk mempertahankan sumber daya, kartu seperti Healbot Antik memiliki nilai jauh lebih tinggi dari biasanya. Kartu yang menyembuhkan Anda selama 8 seperti Healbot Antik dapat dipandang memungkinkan Anda untuk menarik 4 kartu tambahan selama permainan berlangsung. Periksalah Spreadsheet Peringkat Kartu Warlock Arena untuk melihat nilai yang kami berikan pada semua kartu yang mungkin Anda tawarkan sebagai Warlock. 3.7. Pemburu Hunter sering kali hebat di Arena, tapi biasanya satu dimensi, mengandalkan tabir Tempo atau Aggro yang kuat untuk memberi tekanan pada lawan. Alasan untuk ini adalah sifat linier dari Hunter Hero Power, yang hanya menyebabkan kerusakan pada Hero lawan. Meskipun Pemburu memiliki akses ke beberapa kartu Kontrol yang kuat seperti Multi-Shot dan Explosive Shot. Dan beberapa antek akhir pertandingan bernilai tinggi seperti Savannah Highmane. Bahkan yang paling mengendalikan deck Hunter pada akhirnya akan berakhir dalam perlombaan untuk menyelesaikan Hero lawan. Lihat Spreadsheet Peringkat Kartu Arena Hunter untuk melihat nilai yang kami berikan pada semua kartu yang mungkin Anda tawarkan sebagai Hunter. 3.8. Imam Priest Hero Power bisa menjadi sumber keuntungan kartu yang hebat jika Anda bisa menyembuhkan antek-antek Anda yang bertahan dalam pertempuran. Namun, jika Anda tidak dapat masuk ke papan tulis, Priest Hero Power bisa menjadi pertanggungjawaban, karena tidak berpengaruh pada arus permainan jika Anda tidak dapat menyembuhkan pelayan dengan hal itu. Kartu kelas Priest akan selalu membuat Anda bersandar pada gaya bermain kontrol, karena Anda memerlukan keuntungan melalui kartu seperti Mind Control atau Temple Enforcer di akhir permainan, atau melalui pertarungan antrean yang efisien dan penggunaan Hero Power. Hal ini membuat kartu seperti Holy Smite. Shadow Word: Sakit. Nova suci Dan Power Word: Perisai penting untuk permainan game awal Anda. Cleric Northshire adalah salah satu mesin penarik kartu terbaik dalam permainan. Dan dekidji Priest yang paling sukses mengandung setidaknya satu dari kartu ini. Imam terkenal karena memiliki tingkat varians tertinggi antara konsep bagus dan buruk. Sebuah dek Imam yang kuat adalah salah satu gelaran terbaik di Arena, sementara yang lemah bisa merasa tidak berdaya dan impoten. Lihat Spreadsheet Peringkat Kartu Arena Priest kami untuk melihat nilai yang kami berikan pada semua kartu yang mungkin Anda tawarkan sebagai Imam. 3.9. Warrior Warrior Hero Power tidak memiliki pengaruh di papan, yang membutuhkan antek dan senjata kuat untuk menciptakan keuntungan kartu dan kontrol board. Memiliki kartu seperti Fiery War Axe. Kematian Bite andor Arathi Weaponsmith sangat penting, dan permainan tanpa mereka sangat sulit untuk dimenangkan. Anda dapat dengan mudah mencapai Arena 12-menang dengan Mage tanpa Fireball atau Flamestrike, namun sebagai Warrior tanpa senjata, ini jauh lebih sulit, dan sangat tidak mungkin. Lihat Spreadsheet Peringkat Kartu Warrior Arena kami untuk melihat nilai yang kami berikan pada semua kartu yang mungkin Anda tawarkan sebagai Warrior. 4. Rancangan Memilih kelas Anda kira-kira akan menentukan gaya bermain Anda, berdasarkan kartu kelas umum yang tersedia untuk kelas Anda dan dampak Kekuatan Pahlawan Anda pada boardgame. Pilihan awal draf cenderung menentukan tempo deck Anda, karena Anda akan memilih kartu berdasarkan nilai dan dampaknya di papan tulis. Saat Anda maju ke tahap akhir draf, pilihan Anda akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kurva Mana Anda saat ini. Pilihan awal Anda harus selalu dipilih berdasarkan nilainya, terlepas dari biaya Mana mereka. Menggunakan Spreadsheet Peringkat Kartu Arena kami akan membantu Anda membuat pilihan terbaik pada tahap awal draf, namun Anda perlu mengingat bahwa seiring konsep berjalan, nilai kartu tertentu berkurang dengan memiliki banyak salinan kartu itu, atau Memiliki banyak kartu dengan biaya Mana yang sama. Sebagai contoh, bayangkan bahwa Anda merancang sebuah Priest Arena dan 5 picks pertama Anda adalah Argent Commander. Kontrol pikiran Penolong candi Shadow Word: Kematian Dan Stormwind Champion. Anda hampir diatur untuk permainan akhir, dan Anda harus memperhatikan kurva Mana Anda sebelum Anda berkomitmen pada permainan akhir sehingga Anda perlu memilih setiap drop Mana rendah terlepas dari nilainya untuk mendukung permainan awal Anda. Tidak apa-apa untuk meraih Mind Control kedua atau Penegakan Kuil tambahan, namun jika Anda akhirnya memiliki 10 kartu permainan akhir, permainan awal akan sulit, yang akan memungkinkan lawan Anda untuk menciptakan keuntungan yang mungkin tidak Anda pulihkan. Hal ini juga memungkinkan untuk memiliki beberapa Kontrol Pikiran di tangan Anda, yang tidak dapat Anda gunakan sampai akhir permainan. 4.1. Mana Curve Kurva Mana sebuah dek mengacu pada distribusi kartu di dalam dek, saat memperhitungkan biaya mereka. Ketika datang ke Arena, Anda harus selalu berusaha untuk memiliki permainan yang bagus atau respons yang tepat terhadap tindakan lawan Anda dalam setiap tahap permainan. Anda tidak akan pernah terikat dengan jumlah kartu tertentu yang Anda perlukan untuk memilih biaya masing-masing Mana, namun Anda perlu menyadari bahwa terlepas dari kelas mana yang Anda mainkan, permainan awal akan sangat penting, dan melewatkan belokan hanya dengan menggunakan Hero Power Anda. Daripada menghadirkan lawan dengan ancaman akan selalu suboptimal kecuali Anda bisa menciptakan keuntungan dengan Hero Power Anda. Di bawah ini, kami menyajikan jenis yang paling umum dari kurva Arena Mana yang layak. 4.1.1. Late-game Mana Curve (Kontrol) Late-game Mana tikungan berarti memiliki jumlah yang cukup awal peluru permainan awal untuk membantu Anda transisi ke tahap selanjutnya dari permainan. Peran deck Anda adalah untuk membentuk kontrol dewan, dan perlahan-lahan membangun keuntungan Anda untuk transisi Anda ke akhir permainan. Jenis kurva Mana ini paling sesuai dengan kontrol deck seperti: Priest, Druid, Mage, dan Warlock. 5. Bermain Persepsi Mengetahui kelas lawan Anda dan kekuatannya dapat berdampak besar pada gameplay dan pengambilan keputusan Anda. Bagian dari menjadi pemain yang lebih baik di Arena adalah belajar untuk mengantisipasi tindakan lawan sebelum hal itu terjadi, dan meminimalkan dampaknya pada permainan Anda. Kami akan memandu Anda selangkah demi selangkah sehingga Anda bisa mengembangkan mentalitas yang tepat untuk menghadapi setiap kelas. 5.1. Druid Druid memiliki kekuatan Hero yang ofensif, yang akan menciptakan keuntungan kartu langsung jika Anda bermain sebagai pelayan kesehatan. Meskipun mungkin merasa buruk untuk menjatuhkan 1 pelayan Kesehatan pada giliran 1, hanya untuk memilikinya mati bagi lawan Hero Power, biasanya masih benar jika Anda memiliki follow up yang kuat untuk putaran berikutnya. Arena sangat banyak tentang inisiatif, dan menjadi orang yang mengajukan ancaman kepada lawan dan meminta jawaban dari mereka (juga dikenal sebagai Tempo), adalah salah satu aspek terpenting dalam permainan. Gesek adalah salah satu kartu paling kuat yang dimiliki Druid di gudang senjata mereka. Anda bisa berharap Druid akan menyingkirkan papan Anda kesempatan pertama yang mereka dapatkan, jadi ketika Druid hampir memiliki 4 Mana, jangan beri mereka kesempatan untuk membunuh 2 atau lebih antek-antek Anda dengan Gesek, jika mungkin. Jika Anda memiliki antek di papan dengan satu kesehatan yang tampaknya diabaikan oleh lawan, Anda bisa berharap Gesek akan digunakan pada giliran berikutnya, dan Anda harus mencoba menukar anting itu sebelum mati untuk Gesek. Pengecualian dapat dilakukan pada skenario di mana menggunakan Swipe akan menyerap keseluruhan Druids, dalam skenario ini, seringkali OK memungkinkan mereka melakukan Gesek yang layak, dan kemudian memberikan ancaman baru bagi mereka untuk ditangani pada giliran berikutnya. Druid pada umumnya sering mengepak banyak antek-antek dengan Taunt dan kartu game yang sangat terlambat, yang membuat kartu dengan Diam dan penghapusan langsung sangat kuat melawan mereka. Hal ini terutama berlaku untuk permainan akhir, saat Anda mencoba mengeksekusi Druid, atau hanya mendorong melalui antek-antek mereka. Anda harus selalu berpegang pada Silence Anda, serta kartu seperti Assassinate. Polimorf Atau Hex sampai Anda dapat mengambil antek yang berpotensi menjadi kartu 2-untuk-1, kecuali jika Anda dapat segera membuat keuntungan pada tahap permainan saat ini. 5.2. Pemburu Hunter seringkali sangat agresif, dan Anda perlu memperhitungkan Kekuatan Pahlawan mereka mungkin cukup melakukan kerusakan untuk menyelesaikannya jika Anda tertinggal dengan kontrol dewan. Melawan Hunter, Anda harus selalu berusaha untuk membentuk kontrol dewan secepat mungkin, dan bermain dengan agak agresif terhadap mereka sendiri. Rahasia Hunter dapat memberi dampak yang besar pada permainan, dan Anda harus bermain dengan hati-hati di sekitar mereka dan melakukan langkah-langkah spesifik untuk memicunya guna memastikan dampak minimal pada permainan. Menyerang dengan minion akan memicu Freezing Trap. Menyerang pahlawan lawan Anda akan memicu Penyesatan atau Pelontar Peledak. Menyerang minion akan memicu Snake Trap. Dan casting Eja akan memicu Cat Trick. Dengan menganalisis lawan main Anda, Anda bisa mengantisipasi Rahasia mana itu. Sebagai contoh, mari kita asumsikan bahwa lawan Anda memainkan Rahasia tanpa memiliki antek di papan tulis, sementara Anda memiliki Engineer Novice dan Bloodfen Raptor. Anda harus menyerang dengan Engineer Novice Anda. Berikut adalah kemungkinan hasil untuk situasi ini. Rahasia memicu dan ternyata menjadi Perangkap Pembekuan. Dalam hal ini Anda hanya menciptakan keuntungan kartu, karena Anda akan dapat menyusun kembali Novice Engineer Anda dan mendapatkan kartu tambahan darinya, sementara lawan Anda kehilangan kartu dan Anda terus menekan papan tulis. The Secret memicu dan ternyata menjadi Explosive Trap. Kedua antek ini dijamin mati terhadap jebakan (dan dengan tidak memainkan minion lain sebelum menyerang, Anda meminimalkan kerusakan yang dilakukan perangkap). Anda kehilangan kedua pelayan, tapi karena Anda sudah mendapat kartu dari Engineer Novice Anda saat memainkannya, Pelontar Peledak hanya mengeluarkan Knife Juggler Anda yang membuatnya menjadi perdagangan 1-untuk-1. The Secret memicu dan ternyata Bear Trap. Anda sekarang memiliki kemampuan untuk menukar Bear dengan Raptor Anda, atau gunakan beberapa metode lain untuk mengeluarkannya dari papan. The Secret memicu dan ternyata salah arah. Insinyur Novice Anda akan menyerang Anda untuk 1 kerusakan (bukan kerusakan 3 yang akan dilakukan Raptor, jika Anda menyerangnya), atau akan menyerang Knife Juggler Anda, yang akan bertahan. Dalam kedua kasus, lawan Anda menderita kerugian kartu dan Anda telah mencegah pahlawan Anda berpotensi mengalami 2 kerusakan. Rahasia tidak memicu. Ini berarti bahwa Rahasia adalah Cat Trick atau Snake Trap. Pada titik ini, Anda bebas untuk bermain sepanjang sisa giliran Anda seperti yang Anda inginkan, tapi sekarang harus menjaga kedua Rahasia ini agar masa depan Anda berubah. Kapan pun Anda menghadapi Rahasia, lakukan langkah demi langkah dalam urutan yang akan menyebabkan kerugian kartu paling kecil untuk Anda, jadi analisis semua skenario yang mungkin sebelum Anda memutuskan untuk membuat permainan Anda. Untuk mengantisipasi Pelontar Pelontar, jangan sekali-kali bermain antek-antek sebelum menyerang pahlawan lawan. Multi-Shot adalah putar 4 sangat kuat. Mengantisipasi Multi Shot sering berarti berdagang dengan salah satu pelayan Anda untuk memastikan bahwa Anda hanya memiliki satu minion di papan tulis (sehingga mencegah Hunter menggunakan Multi Shot). Jika Anda hanya mengabaikan Minion Hunters (s) dan menyerangnya secara langsung (terutama pada giliran ke-3), Anda cenderung melihat kedua antek-antek Anda mati untuk Multi-Shot. Jika lawan Anda tidak memiliki antek-antek, Anda harus memainkan minion inferior dan menggunakan kelebihan mana pada Hero Power Anda, atau sekadar bermain minion yang memiliki cukup kesehatan untuk bertahan dalam Multi-Shot dan membuatnya menjadi kartu 1-untuk-1. Explosive Shot jarang terjadi, dan Anda tidak akan menghadapi setiap pertandingan, namun Anda harus selalu menempatkan antek-antek Anda di papan tulis seolah-olah Anda mengantisipasi sebuah Explosive Shot. This means that you should place your biggest minion (the one with most health, and the minion your opponent would want to cast Explosive Shot on, dealing 5 damage to it) at either side of your board, and never in between two minions, especially not between 2 minions that have 2 health or less. Against a Hunter, you always need to keep an eye on your health, as they will attempt to push for the kill range and their Hero Power can seal the deal even if you manage to play a solid taunter. Having board control and advantage against a Hunter from the early stages of the game is almost an ensured win. Mages are rather difficult to play against, as they have many small traps in all stages of the game, and their Hero Power makes efficient minion trading difficult, since they can always come up with that 1 extra damage needed. Although it may feel bad to drop a 1 Health minion on turn 1, simply to have it die to the opponents Hero Power, it is still usually correct do so if you have strong follow ups for the next turns. Arena is very much about initiative, and being the person presenting the threats to your opponent and demanding answers from them (also known as Tempo), is one of the most important aspects of the game. Mage Secrets should be approached carefully, and before you make your play you should analyse the impact of all Secrets on the board. For example, let us assume your opponent attacked you with a Bloodfen Raptor and played a Sunwalker and a Secret, while you have a Chillwind Yeti on the board, and Assassinate. Backstab. and a Bluegill Warrior in your hand. Keep in mind also the following about Mage Secrets: Counterspell gets triggered by casting a spell. Duplicate gets triggered by killing a minion. Effigy is also triggered by killing a minion. Spellbender gets triggered by casting a spell that targets a minion. Mirror Entity gets triggered by playing a minion. Vaporize and Ice Barrier get triggered by attacking your opponents hero. Ice Block gets triggered by lethal damage. So, in our case, the worst thing that you can do is Assassinate the Mages Sunwalker. This risks running into a Counterspell or Spellbender, creating multiple copies of the Sunwalker in case of Duplicate, or creating another high value minion in case of Effigy. which is why you should check for those secrets first in this scenario. Play Backstab on your opponents Bloodfen Raptor, and if a secret triggers, you can safely Assassinate his Sunwalker and kill his Bloodfen Raptor if necessary with your Bluegill Warrior (if the Secret is Spellbender, the resulting 11 minion can be killed by your Hero Power). If the Secret did not trigger on targeted spell cast, you should play your Bluegill Warrior to test for Mirror Entity. If it triggers, you can trade the Bluegill Warriors, or simply take out your opponents with your Hero Power. If the secret did not trigger on a minion cast, you should attack with your Bluegill Warrior to check for Vaporize, as it is the last Secret that can cause potential harm to you that turn. If the Secret turns is not Vaporize (or Ice Barrier, which is not really a problem), then you will know it is Ice Block. The effect of Cone of Cold can be diminished by placing a minion with Stealth, or an otherwise untargettable minion such as Faerie Dragon between 2 other minions. This will prevent your opponent from hitting all 3 minions with Cone of Cold. Alternatively, if you have many minions on the board, you should position them in such a way that a single Cone of Cold cannot hit all of your most important minions. Mages will often try to hold on to their Polymorph until you play a serious threat. Should you have an extremely powerful card in your hand that is guaranteed to change the course of the game, you should save it and attempt to bait out the Mages Polymorph with other minions. Flamestrike is one of the most feared cards in all of Arena. Some people aim to play around this card for the whole game, and simply slow play their hand too much, causing the Mage to be able to outvalue them with their other strong cards. Instead of this strategy of fear, a better strategy is to force them into situations where they are forced to use their Flamestrike, but it is still poor for them. For example, by creating a board of two 4 Health minions and a 6 Health minion, the Mage is under enough pressure that they must Flamestrike to survive, but after doing so you remain in control of the Tempo of the game. Try not to worry too much about card advantage when it comes to Flamestrike, as the card will always create favourable situations in that sense. Instead, focus on retaining Tempo after the Mage has cast it, and remember, sometimes they simply will not have it, leading to your aggression being rewarded. Having a good position on the board is always great against the Mage, as they will not be able to push you within kill range and finish you off by a topdecking a Fireball. Keep in mind that over-extending on the board can have bad impact on your game, as a single spell such as Flamestrike (even one topdecked later on) can destroy your entire game. 5.4. Paladin When playing against a Paladin, you should always attempt to keep the board clear. Their Hero Power minions will not be a huge problem, however they are all potential targets for Blessing of Kings (and even Blessing of Might ), which is why you should always attempt to get rid of them with your Hero Power (if it is an aggressive one) or with your minions. You should favour keeping 23 minions over 32 minions in your opening hand against Paladin, since these at least have a reasonable chance of contesting a Shielded Minibot evenly, instead of being blown out like a 32 would. Argent Protector in the early game can have devastating consequences, which is why you should always trade your 2-drop for the Paladins 2-drop, even if your minion is superior in quality. You should always be aware of the Paladins strong 4-cost cards, Consecration. Truesilver Champion. and Hammer of Wrath. Should you have advantage on the board, you can anticipate that the Paladin might play Consecration on turn 4. This means that playing an additional 2-health minion on turn 3 is usually a bad idea. Cards that survive Hammer of Wrath (4 or more health) or even that survive Truesilver Champion (such as the Chillwind Yeti or Senjin Shieldmasta ) are ideal. Since Paladins have weapons, you should always try to hold on to your Acidic Swamp Ooze. unless you have no other alternatives. Paladin Secrets often have much less impact on the game than Mage or Hunter Secrets, however you should always test their triggers and try to create some advantage in the process. Avenge is by far the most common Secret drafted in Arena. Although sometimes it can be extremely awkward to deal with, you can often engineer situations where the buff creates a minion that it is a nice trade for one of your minions, allowing you to pick up additional value. Eye for an Eye triggers from any source of damage, and if you have your opponent in kill range and you are on low health yourself, you should always attempt to inflict as little damage as possible with your first attack. Noble Sacrifice is the second most common Secret in Paladin decks, and if you have an aggressive Hero Power such as Rogue or Druid, you should always attempt to trigger it by attacking with your hero (thus creating card advantage) instead of attacking with a minion. Redemption is extremely powerful, however any decent Paladin will never play it if they have Hero Power minions (or other very weak minions) on the board. Regardless, you should always attempt to attack the worst minion on the board before engaging into further trades. Redemption can be extremely powerful with Deathrattle minions such as Harvest Golem or minions with Divine Shield, as they will come back in play with their abilities. Repentance can be decent, and it will often be one of the last Secrets you check for, so make sure to play a minion with as little health as possible if your opponents Secrets did not trigger on attacking. Board control in the early game against a Paladin is essential, as the game can get out of hand rather quickly. Never over-extend on the board with minions that can die to Consecration. 5.5. Priest The Priest Hero Power cannot make advantage without minions on the board, which is why you should always attempt to keep the board clean. Since Goblins vs Gnomes, this is even more true, since they now have access to the extremely powerful Velens Chosen buff if they are allowed to keep a minion on the board. You should always bait out their Shadow Word: Pain in the early game, especially if you are playing minions such as Senjin Shieldmasta or Fen Creeper . Northshire Cleric is a priority target to kill at almost all times. A common mistake for new players is to prioritise killing a larger minion and undervalue the power of drawing cards with the Cleric. Unless there is no obvious way on the board for your opponent to injure a minion and heal it, you should make killing Northshire Cleric your top priority. Minions with 4 attack are amazing against Priests, as they have just the right attack to be safe from Shadow Word: Pain. Shadow Word: Death. and Shadow Madness. When you have minion buffers such as Defender of Argus or Shattered Sun Cleric. it is always good to buff your 3-attack minions and put them out of harms way. Keep in mind that buffing a 4-attack minion to 5 attack can often be a bad idea, as it becomes a target for Shadow Word: Death. Keeping Priests under pressure is always great, however keep in mind that they can wipe the board clean with 5 mana by playing Holy Nova. You should never over-extend against a Priest with too many 2-health minions. Should the game get delayed in later the stages, you can expect that your opponent is holding on to a Mind Control. You should attempt to bait it out with minions that you can deal with yourself, rather than playing your best card and risk losing the game to it next turn. Priests win games by beating you down with their minions. Usually that takes mid-late game to happen, and your goal is always to punish their lack of early game by being extremely aggressive. Their Hero Power is their main source of card advantage and board advantage, so you should not allow them to use it for healing minions. Keep the board clean. 5.6. Rogue Rogues can have an extremely aggressive early game, and they excel at being able to instantly turn the board in their favour. When facing a Rogue with The Coin. you can expect that they will hold on to it until they can trigger a combo with it. A Rogue will often sacrifice a great deal of their health attempting to create card advantage with their Hero Power, which you can exploit to your advantage if you have strong finishers. Try to keep the Rogue under pressure as best as possible. Towards late game, you can expect that your opponent is holding on to an Assassinate. which you should bait out before you play your decks best minion. Give them a reason to use Assassinate on something else. Playing aggressively against a Rogue is always a good idea, as they will have to think twice before they sacrifice any more health for their Hero Power. 5.7. Shaman Shamans require board control and advantage to win, and you should take out their totems at any stage of the game unless there are more efficient targets to attack. Although it may seem pointless to kill such low priority targets, Shaman players will always draft buff cards as a priority, and leaving even small targets on the board for them to buff can lead to disaster. Loot Hoarder. Scarlet Crusader. Twilight Drake and other similar cards are extremely vulnerable to Earth Shock. as it first silences and then damages your minion - taking it out 1-for-1. Since Shamans have weapons, you should always try to hold on to your Acidic Swamp Ooze. unless you have no other alternatives. This does not necessarily mean to hold on to your ooze until the late game, but you should play a different 2-drop in the early game, as it will always bait out their Stormforged Axe should they be holding onto one. Towards the late game, you can expect that your opponent is holding on to a Hex. which you should bait out before you play your decks best minion. Give them a reason to use Hex on something else. Leading into Turn 6, you should always be wary of Fire Elemental. Try to avoid giving your opponent a perfect 3 damage target for a Fire Elemental to target if at all possible. Although it is impossible to deny a Fire Elemental value for the entire game, making them play it inefficiently on Turn 7 is much better than allowing them to play it on curve. Always pay attention to Shamans exact Mana total on each turn. If they have used Overload cards on the previous turns, you can rule out certain possibilities for their plays on the next turn. Taking advantage of their overloaded turns to seize the advantage can be very beneficial. Having board advantage against Shamans means that you are winning. You should never let them have multiple totems, as they can create insane advantage or possibly kill you with Bloodlust . 5.8. Warlock Warlocks are tricky. Regardless of whether they play a control or an aggressive deck, their health can be turned into card advantage with their Hero Power. Should a Warlock have an empty board and 4 mana, you are likely to see a Hellfire. Do not over-extend against a Warlock if you have board advantage. Pressure them as best as you can with what is currently on the board. Voidcaller is one of the hardest minions to deal with in Warlock decks. If you do not have access to a Silence, it is still usually worth it to kill the Voidcaller on your terms. Allowing your opponent full control over exactly when to activate their Deathrattle will end up much worse for you than killing it yourself. There is also always the possibility that your opponent was trying to bluff you and that they do not even hold an additional Demon. Warlocks have access to a lot of potential burst, such as Soulfire. Doomguard and Power Overwhelming. Play it safe and work towards board control rather than pressuring your opponent if you do not have much health. Allowing your opponent to use their Hero Power means you are not pressuring them enough, and they will create a lot of card advantage that will be hard to recover from. Keep them under pressure, establish your advantage on the board, and you will force them to react to the current state of the board rather than freely use their Hero Power. 5.9. Warrior Warriors lack late game, which is why you will often be facing extremely aggressive Warriors that excel at early-mid game with their weapons and powerful class minions. Warriors primarily rely on their weapons to create card advantage and secure their position on the board. Similar to other aggressive classes, you should play rather aggressively yourself against a Warrior. Throughout the course of the game, a Warrior will attempt to make up for their lack of late game, by pressuring you with minions and attempting to maintain board control and creating card advantage with their weapons or efficient minion combat, which will often cause the Warrior to sacrifice a great portion of their health in the process. Since warrior relies on weapons, you should always try to hold on to your Acidic Swamp Ooze . Warriors can often have strong burst potential. Korkron Elite and Arcanite Reaper can lead to an unexpected finish, so keep the board clear once you establish your board presence. Always prioritize taking out their minions and never attempt to race a Warrior for the kill if you are in their potential kill range. Always play aggressively against a Warrior, as their Hero Power has no impact on the board, and having a solid board position in the early-mid game against a Warrior will make your late game much easier. 6. Combat Techniques When it comes to combat decisions in the Arena, it is often crucial to identify and choose the best option even if several really good ones are presented to you. Below, we will analyse each scenario to help you pick the best approach. 6.1. Trading Minions Regardless of how aggressive your deck is, you should always prioritize making the best possible trades, rather than pressuring your opponent and allowing them to make the worst possible trade for you. Keeping the board clear will always help you avoid any potential traps your opponent can set for you by buffing their minions and making trades even worse than they could have been, or creating an even bigger advantage with their AoE damage spells. However, in situations where all potential trades on the board are more or less equal, attacking your opponents face to create pressure and assert yourself as the aggressor can be more beneficial. Often, the correct way to evaluate a turn is to consider attacking your opponents Hero, then ask yourself what the punishment is for doing so. If you can think of a realistic scenario where you get punished for making the greedy attack past the minions, then trade, if you cannot, then go ahead and attack the Hero to create pressure. This will come with time, and it would be impossible to list every feasible scenario in which you can get punished, but below are a few examples to look out for. Shattered Sun Cleric can make your opponents 23 minion a 34 which will take out your minion and create card and board advantage for your opponent. Argent Protector will always give your opponent card and board advantage if they have a suitable minion to buff with Divine Shield. You should never allow the Paladin to have that option. Power Word: Shield can easily make any 2-drop a 2-for-1 and possibly more if you allow the to use their Hero Power to heal the minion. Weapons such as Truesilver Champion can remove your minion while maintaining the minion you chose to ignore on the board. Consecration can wipe your entire board, making 2-for-1 or possibly more for your opponent while allowing them to take board advantage. Take out your opponents minion, and try to bait out Consecration with a 2-for-1. Similar approaches apply to any other AoE damage spell such as Holy Nova. Blizzard. or Flamestrike . 6.2. Pushing for Lethal Damage In certain scenarios, you may look at your hand and decide that you have enough tools to finish the game. For example, if you hold two Fireballs in your hand as a Mage in the late-game, and your opponent is below 20 Health, you may decide that it is time simply to push for damage and ignore the notion of minion combat altogether. This strategy is fine, and in some cases recommended, but you do run risks by employing such a strategy which are outlined below. Each time you allow your opponent to have priority when trading minions, you run a great risk of losing any hard earned advantage you have made in the earlier stages of the game. The trade can turn out to be much worse than you initially estimated, and can potentially shift the state of the board in your opponents favour, which is why you should always consider whether it is worth taking the risk. There are several factors you should consider before you decide swapping from efficient minion trading to pushing your opponent within kill range. Your deck and Mana curve . When playing an extremely aggressive deck, you will often have an outstanding early-mid game plan, however the late game will be mediocre at best, and every big minion your opponent plays is a potential 2-for-1, which is why you should push for lethal when you consider your opponents late game stronger than yours. Your opponents class and AoE damage spells . When your opponent plays a class that has decent mass removal, you should consider the previous stages of the game. If your opponent was offered a 2-for-1 or more and did not use their Consecration. Holy Nova. Flamestrike. or other mass removal when they were under pressure, it is unlikely that they have it in their hand. The possibility of your opponent drawing a solution from the top of their deck remains, and you always run a small risk of that happening. Your hand . When you are are holding on to a response to your opponents most threatening defensive plays possible, you should always go for the kill. Silence, strong minion removal, direct damage spells, weapons and minions with charge should build up your confidence and help you decide whether or not you should push for the kill. Special mention should also go to the card Drakonid Crusher. since with this card in hand, aggressively lowering your opponent below 15 is actually a value play, as well as a Tempo one. Your state of the game . When you fall behind and you consider your deck incapable of providing you with solutions to the current state of the board, you should always consider going in for the kill and letting your opponent deal with the board while you hope to topdeck a solid finisher. Whenever you decide to push your opponent for lethal damage, evaluate your hand, position on the board, and your opponents likely responses to your play. If you consider it to be worth the risk, go for it. 6.3. Racing Your Opponent When you decide to go for your opponents face and your opponent responds aggressively by attacking your hero rather than trading minions, you should consider the following scenarios if you are unable kill your opponent on the following turn. Your opponent has a strong finisher and is trying to push you in kill range. Your opponent is not satisfied with a potential 2-for-1 use of an AoE damage spell. Your opponent has no solutions to the current state of the board and is hoping for a good draw. In most scenarios, you will make the right choice by playing it safe and minimizing the risk by going back to efficient minion trading, however if you consider your finisher strong enough to seal the deal on its own the turn after and your health high enough to take another swing and remain outside your opponents kill range, you can go for the kill. 6.4. Skipping Your Attack On a rare occasion, you will find skipping your attack beneficial, however in most scenarios you put yourself at great risk by doing so and you should only do it as a last resort and when you have advantage or solid alternative plays. For example, let us assume that, as a Mage, you have Chillwind Yeti on the board and your opponent plays a Secret. When you establish that the Secret is not Mirror Entity (by playing a weak minion, such as a 32 minion), you can skip your attack and check if the secret is Vaporize next turn with your weaker minion, rather than with your Chillwind Yeti. As another example, let us suppose you are playing against a Paladin and you coin out a Knife Juggler and your opponent plays a Secret. The Secret is quite likely to be Noble Sacrifice. and if you have no alternative ways of triggering it (Druid or Rogue Hero Power, attacking with a weapon, attacking with an inferior charge minion), you should consider skipping the attack with your Knife Juggler, hoping to trigger the Secret on your next turn with more efficiency. Another situation that comes up quite commonly against Paladin is them casting Blessing of Wisdom on one of your minions. This will grant your opponent a card any time you attack with that minion, and is often a sign of desperation from your opponent. If you are close to sealing lethal damage, then this is more likely to be a desperation move from your opponent to slow you down, and you should continue attacking. However, if you simply have a dominant board presence in the early or mid-game, then it is more likely to be a method of drawing answers they need to counter you, and you should refrain from attacking until a favourable trade presents itself, allowing you to kill off the Blessed minion. 7. Conclusion Watching streams and reading guides will certainly help you become a better player, however before you can truly master the Arena, you will need to develop the right kind of mind set that will allow you to see the best possible play when there are several really good options available. Knowing each class along with its strengths and its weaknesses is crucial when it comes down to deck construction during the drafting stages of the Arena. Paying attention to your Mana curve and understanding the importance of early game, regardless of the class you play, will always be reflected in the quality of your deck, regardless of the cards available to you. Sometimes you will have the option of picking several Legendaries, or you will be flooded with Epics, while other times you will simply be happy if you got one or two decent Rares. Spreadsheets can help you master the drafting part of the Arena rather fast, however eventually you will develop your own drafting strategies and put your own values to the cards. Experience and knowledge of each class will help you develop and improve your perceptive play and combat techniques, which are the essential qualities of every Arena master. Luck is certainly present and it might have an impact on your score, however in the long run it comes down to your skill and your skill only. 8. ChangeLog 17 Feb. 2016: Class rankings updated to reflect MSG meta. 22 Nov. 2016: Fixes for removed cards from Arena, Tier List update. 15 Oct. 2015: Updated Tier list, Secret information and general strategy for TGT meta. Hearthstone: The 25 best legendary cards Craft cards more safely on the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan with Sottlersquos guide to the best legendaries in the current meta. New sets, new problems. Last December saw the launch of the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion, which effectively detonated a mine in the middle of the Hearthstone meta. Old strategies have been sent scrambling as Reno, Pirate, and Dragon decks have risen to dominance. As a result, the question of which legendary cards represent the best to craft is has been renewed in full force. Luckily, wersquore here to help in the form of a completely updated list of the strongest legendary cards today. For many Hearthstone players, particularly newer ones, deciding which legendary cards to craft with your hard-earned dust is a stressful experience. 1600 dust isnt easy to come by, and the setback from crafting a card which ends up being useless can be potentially devastating. To help guide your crafting decisions, I asked a panel of expert players and pundits to rank their top 25. Using their input, combined with my own expertise, Ive created a list that represents a comprehensive guide to which legendaries you need in your collection now. Just start at 1 and work your way back until your decks are bristling with power. The plan isnt quite that simple of course. If youre looking to play a specific deck, or favour a particular class, you should give extra weight to the legendaries that are core to those archetypes. You should still pay attention to the cards listed highly here due to their versatility, since those will go the furthest to increasing the power of your collection overall. As ever, wersquoll update this list when a new set arrives and the meta has settled around it. 25: Justicar Trueheart Itrsquos only fitting that the card that welcomed us to The Grand Tournament remains a key part of this list. Justicarrsquos effect is hard to sum up quickly, as it varies uniquely between classes. For a while Paladin players made great use of Justicar to flood the board with Silver Hand Recruits, creating an inevitable win condition against slow control decks. Priests flirted with including Justicar to make their minions even harder to remove, and further increasing their advantage over pesky aggro decks. These days, the only common use of Justicar is in Warrior. Gone are the days when 20 armour seemed like an impressive safety net. Now, the dizzying heights of 40, 50, and even 60 armour are achievable, giving birth to a new form of Control Warrior that is no longer interested in killing the other player at all, they simply armour up (or rather ldquoTank Uprdquo), remove every threat you play, and then sit bellowing with laughter as you die to fatigue. While this might not be the most fun experience (at least for one player involved) there is no denying its effectiveness. Unless of course you come up against a Jade Druid, which can create infinite threats thanks to the deck replenishing Jade Idol card. In which case you probably just lose. Thatrsquos part of the reason why Justicar barely scraped onto the list this time around, not even receiving a nomination from some players polled. Although Control Warrior will likely always be playable, it looks like she will be making her way out of Standard this year with a whimper rather than a bang. 24: NZoth, the Corruptor The only Old God to keep a spot on our list is NrsquoZoth. Very few cards in the history of Hearthstone have had as big an impact on peoplersquos deck building decisions as this tentacled menace. Upon release, control strategies were given a new lease on life, since a single 10-Mana card allows your deck to be completely dominant in the late-game, enabling you to focus on tweaking the remainder of your deck to counteract the earlier arriving threats of aggro and midrange decks. NrsquoZothrsquos flexibility is impressive too. The card has seen success in Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Druid, Warrior, Warlock, and even Hunter. That kind of versatility is only shared by other legendary cards at the upper extremes of our list, and it speaks volumes for the singular power of NrsquoZoth as a win condition. The reason NrsquoZoth is barely hanging on in our latest list is due to the resurgence of Reno decks, and particularly Kazakus. Not only do they steer people wanting to play control away from the prospect of a Deathrattle heavy deck, Kazakus also introduces a new answer to NrsquoZothrsquos ridiculous board states in the form of the 10-Mana Polymorph all minions potion. Is there a bigger value play in the game 21 (tied): Raza the Chained Despite not having a massive effect on the meta overall, Raza is a welcome addition to the Kabal gang and certainly eclipses the other two class legendaries in the form of Krul, the Unshackled and Inkmaster Solia. Itrsquos testament to the overall power of Kazakus that despite these aforementioned cards proving to be fairly weak, Reno decks have still risen to dominance as the optimal strategy for Mage and Warlock. Itrsquos strange, then, that Priest, the class that received the best class card of the bunch, is more commonly seen in Dragon form that using a Reno-based strategy. This, however, is more down to the power of Drakonid Operative than it is a sleight on Razarsquos good namemdashand Reno Priest variations have still shown excellent ladder results for some players in the early days of the Mean Streets meta. Raza is easily viewed as a persistent heal for 2 that goes off every turn after you put it into play, but in reality itrsquos even better than that due to the ability to refresh minions, or to activate incredible Inspire effects without the tempo loss that comes from having to activate your Hero Power. Add in Justicar Trueheart, or Shadowform, and Razarsquos potential applications extend even further. 21 (tied): Grommash Hellscream Gromm has slipped slightly in our most recent update, which can be indirectly put down to the Execute nerf which has made the Dragon Warrior deck less powerful overall. Although he also suffers from the same issues as Tirionmdashhersquos a class Legendarymdashthe Warsong Clan chieftain offers a little more versatility than his Paladin counterpart. Grom can be used in Tempo-focused Warrior decks and is still a staple in most forms of Control Warrior. Anyone who has faced a Warrior will be familiar with the terrifying feeling of having your life total dip into Grom range. Yoursquore forced to play inefficiently in order to protect what remains of your health pool, or shut your eyes and hope they donrsquot have itmdashat which point they inevitably do. Without Grom in your Warrior deck, you find yourself lacking the final punch, and while plenty of the late-game legendaries other decks can be swapped with other big hitters, Gromrsquos game-ending power is irreplaceable. Since the huge nerf to Big Game Hunter, Grom has also only increased in power. Now you are not quite so obligated to hold onto your big charger as a final win condition, and can feel more free to use him as a threat to control the board. Previously a Grom that was dropped and used to trade would often be answered by a BGH, leaving you lacking that late-game punch. Now Grom sometimes sticks, and thatrsquos even scarier. 21 (tied): The Curator One of only two legendaries from Karazhan to make it onto our list, The Curatorrsquos strength rests in the value it crams into a single card. At a time when good neutral Taunt minions are relatively rare, the 46 statline can serve to shore up contested board positions late in the game, but itrsquos the unique form of card draw provided by The Curator that makes it an interesting option for deckbuilders. As was theorycrafted before the release of Karazhan, classes like Hunter, Druid and Warrior are able to include Beasts, Dragons and Murlocs without gimping the deckrsquos overall power. In Dragon Warrior particularly, the ability to refill your hand if the game goes long has proved an important tool. But even in that deck, The Curator isnrsquot an auto-include, and gets cycled in or out depending on individual preference and other card choices like Fierce Monkey. The key issue is that the kind of deck that wants to include The Curator doesnrsquot tend to be one that is happy spending turn seven playing a low-threat Taunt and drawing some cards. For that reason, The Curator hasnrsquot come to be a meta-dominating card, though its intrinsic value isnrsquot in doubt. Given the scarcity of good card draw options in Hearthstone, we may still see decks created in the future that will push The Curator higher up this list. 20: Harrison Jones Usually tech cards wouldnrsquot be recommended as high crafting priorities, since theyrsquore only effective in the right meta. However, Hearthstone has been so heavily dominated by Shaman and Warrior decks for a while now that Harrison almost always finds a target. Factor in recent additions like Spirit Claws from Karazhan and Jade Claws introduced in Mean Streets, plus the fact that Rogue is a thing again, and Harrison becomes an even more attractive inclusion. The particular strength of Harrison is that even in matchups like Druid where he wonrsquot get to add a new weapon to his ever-growing museum, he still isnrsquot terrible. Unlike other tech cards such as Eater of Secrets which are really found wanting when they whiff, Harrison has a decent amount of health. He still represents a threat in an aggressive deck, and he can still lsquotrade uprsquo with a better minion in a Control deck. This lack of downside is what makes Harrison such an attractive option. Despite all this, he falls significantly on our latest list because Acidic Swamp Ooze has become the tech card of choice. Unlike Harry, Ooze can come down early enough in the game to break apart the much maligned synergy between the gamersquos best early-game weapons and Small-Time Buccaneer, which can otherwise single-handedly chase you out of the game if left unchecked. Itrsquos hard to curate a museum when yoursquore dead. 19: Finja the Flying Star Perhaps the one saving grace for Paladin in the new expansion, Finja has breathed new life into the popular Anyfin archetype. Previously, the deck was full of card draw to make sure you powered through your deck as quickly as possible to hit your all important Murlocs in a timely manner. Now, with the addition of Finja, that work is done for you and you can fill your deck with more answers, more stability, and just more generally good stuff. Filtering the Murlocs out of your deck early in a game also means that you then draw key answers like Equality and your actual Anyfin Can Happen with increased regularity, and as wersquoll see from the upper reaches of this list, deck thinning is a powerful effect. Yes, Finja somewhat messes with your 30-32 damage second Anyfin against control decks, particularly Reno Mage, but overall hersquos mostly upside. Despite this, the Murloc martial artist still languishes in the lower portion of our list because hersquos played in one deck and wellhellip Paladin just kinda sucks right now. Sorry about that Uther fans. 17 (tied): Barnes Barnes takes a huge hit in our latest rankings, a result that he would surely describe as a terrible tragedy. There are myriad factors contributing to the thesprsquos fall from grace, but the trickle down effect of Kazakus being introduced to the game is a huge one. Kazakus gives control decks access to a mass Polymorph effect, which then essentially removes all upside from including NrsquoZoth the Corruptor in your deck since your late-game win condition is transformed from a devastating board full of Taurens and undead Elves into an army of Sheep in trousers. And what is a key inclusion in any NrsquoZoth deck Thatrsquos right Barnes Did you follow all that Good. Still, in the right deck with enough positive outcomes Barnes is still a terror. While calling it a 4 Mana 45 at worse is slightly erroneous, it does make the point well enough. Much like Fandral, who wersquoll discuss later, Barnes is a card with massive upside on the best outcomes, and very little downside on the bad ones. 17 (tied): Tirion Fordring A contender for the best pure value card in the game. In Arena, where a sterile evaluation of a cardrsquos overall worth is generally the starting point for any rating system, Tirion has historically been considered the best card. And with good reason. Theoretically, Tirion is capable of trading 5-for-1 with your opponentrsquos cards because his body can be expected to slay two minions, and the resulting Ashbringer weapon can chop down another three. In reality, hersquos rarely that spectacular since various factors like hard removal spells, Harrison Jones, Ooze, and your own life total will put a stop to the dream. Nonetheless, dropping Tirion is always a powerful play. Furthermore, thanks to the addition of NrsquoZoth, Tirion became an even more ridiculous proposition. Not only do you get to ride the value train once, you get the double whammy of reviving not only an amazing minion, but also a huge defensive wall that can provide you with the buffer needed to be able to safely play a 10-Mana card. Until your opponent slams their 10 Mana Kazakus Polymorph Potion that is. While Tirion is still a powerful card, the decline of Paladin keeps him from pushing higher up the list. The Grimy Goons Gang has been, quite frankly, a miserable failure, and Paladin has suffered because of it. The ubiquitous presence of Acidic Swamp Ooze in the meta is also a huge problem for Tirion, as having a significant chunk of his value removed with one fell gloop is a devastating feeling. 16: Archmage Antonidas The Dalaran wizard more colloquially known as ldquoTonyrdquo is a dominant force again thanks to Mean Streets. Slow Mage decks were more or less a non-issue in recent metagames, with Jaina players favouring the more aggressive Tempo Mage strategy that offered such strong results against midrange decks. This deck rarely had time to sit back and get long-term value or explosive burst combos out of Antonidas, and so he ah-HAH-ed his way to relative obscurity. Today Reno Mage has become a powerhouse, and unlike its RNG-inclined cousin this deck is definitely in the business of trying to set up late-game win conditions. Tony is a fitting inclusion in almost any build of Reno Mage, and strategies do vary wildly. Some use him in combination with Emperor Thaurissan in order to create a huge reserve of Fireballs that your opponent cannot possibly overcome. Others will instead just use him as an additional late-game threat, rarely reaching the lofty heights of 3-4 Fireballs, but doing enough to pick up some extra resources for you and serving as a ldquomust killrdquo soft Taunt minion. On the next page: 15 to 6, including Aya Blackpaw and Ragnaros. Current page: Page 1
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